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  • Writer's pictureHazel

How's Your Spirit?

This is the question of the ages. It's the only question that really matters. With this one simple question, you can pretty much gauge the condition of the person you're talking to. You can know where their head is in order to reach a genuine conclusion and keep life pushin'. Sometimes our spirit feels heavy- like it's asking too much of us. Sometimes our spirit is in flight- dancing around the cosmos with jubilee and awe. And sometimes our spirit isn't talking to us at all- making us feel like we are just chugging along like NPCs (nonplayer characters) in a video game. The importance of understanding someone's Spirit cannot be understated. It is really really REALLY important. It's important in relationships, business, and finance. It's the very fabric of humanity.

As many of you would know, I have an educational background in psychology. The spirit is often referred to as the psyche in many schools of thought. After all, psyche comes from the Greek word meaning "soul". No matter how much we read and study, we will never even begin to graze the surface of how the psyche (soul/spirit) operates within us. The Holy Books provide an incredible metaphysical guide on how to handle and work with the Spirit so I, of course, would recommend starting there. In any case, over the years I have dedicated my life to knowing my spirit and the spirit of others- understanding the state someone is in, recognizing their vantage point, and listening to their perspective in order to progress. It's a carefully refined skill. (I'd love to teach you, too, just book a session with me!)

A "high spirit" is a state of being characterized by an optimistic and positive outlook on life. It is an inner energy that radiates enthusiasm, resilience, and determination. When someone has high spirits, they possess an unwavering belief in their abilities and approach challenges with a sense of adventure rather than fear. They exude confidence, maintain a hopeful attitude even in difficult times, and inspire others with their contagious positivity. A person with high spirits embodies a zest for life, finding joy in the present moment and embracing opportunities for growth and success.

Modern-day spirituality has conditioned me to use the terms "high vibrational" or "low vibrational". This description honestly works for a lot of my clients- especially the ones without a religious background. Sneaky on me, but it's truly all the same. High spirits or low-spirited moods are simply just that: moods. We can, and we will toggle in and out of these moods thousands of times throughout our lives. Part of my practice is the hyper-awareness of these spirited moods and being an active participant in our own self-regulation.

According to Christian doctrine, there are seven gifts of The Holy Spirit. Wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, these are the characteristics we look for when deciding on our spouse, friends, or business partners. Regardless of religious affiliation, we all to an extent, can recognize these attributes in a person within the first couple of times of meeting them. When someone is coming from a place of high spirits, they express themselves with an air of understanding, compassion, and reverence for humanity. Those with the gifts of the Holy Spirit practice grace for their own human shortcomings and share that grace with others for their mistakes. They seek counsel and know when to ask for help. High-spirited people practice bravery and patience in everyday tasks. They are humble and understand there are bigger forces than them at play.

Paradoxically, low-spirited people are not just individuals in a "bad" mood or riddled with sadness. If someone's spirit is suffering you can see it from a mile away. They are on a constant pursuit to prove one's self, unable to ask for help, sticking to the status quo- et cetera. If any of these concepts hit a little too close to home, it's definitely time to take stock of your spirit. These conversations are difficult and even harder to have with yourself. Regardless, there is no shame in admitting that your spirit is suffering- in fact, it's the only way to move forward. The spirit guides the attitude and our attitudes color our lives.

The spirit can't be quantified but it can be observed. Cultivating a working understanding of the ever-changing spirit is an invaluable skill that proves its utility in unimaginable ways. As you continue to sharpen your understanding, your confidence strengthens by default. It is the natural byproduct of being able to duck and dive (and throw punches!) in conversation. Trust me, invest in your spiritual training. From now on, instead of asking "How are you doing today?" ask, "How is your spirit today?"

Word of the Day:

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